Jun 6, 2011

We have had a busy week in Savannah. On Monday we decided to celebrate Memorial day by going to dinner. We went to this way cool restaurant called the,"Pirate House." It is the coolest looking building and everyone had told us how good the food was. When we walked in there was a man dressed up as a pirate that greeted us. We felt like little children because we couldn't of been more excited. As we got seated we found out that the restaurant used to be a hotel where all the pirates would stay when they came in to Savannah. Our menu told us stories about how there was a tunnel underneath it where the pirates would sit and kidnap people that were walking through. Not only was the place so exciting, but the food was unreal!! We had the best steak and fish we have ever had in our life!

After dinner we went on a little walk! On the walk we realized that Savannah is more than aware of our obsession with One Tree Hill. As we walked down Bull Street we came across Lucas Theatre. For those of you who don't know, Lucas is one of the main characters on the television show One Tree Hill and to say he is a sight for sore eyes is an understatement.

(Need I say more..)

Tuesday night was a fun night. We have this neighbor that owns all these shops downtown and he is the nicest guy. The only problem is that we sometimes can't understand his accent so we still don't know his name. We have now resorted to calling him V.I.P Man because at least we know that his name has those letters in it. Last weekend he invited us over for dinner so on Tuesday we went over for our first home cooked meal since arriving in Savannah. The food was really good, but we had quite the adventure. As we sat there more and more people just kept walking in and talking to us. We think it was their way of welcoming us to the neighborhood, but it still just felt odd.

Wednesday was a glorious day. We finally made it to Walmart! Our goal since landing in Savannah was to get to Walmart to buy the basic necessities. The only problem was that we didn't have a car and Walmart is a good few miles away. Even with the odds against us we didn't give up and it finally all paid off. Walmart was everything we had hoped and dreamed for. It was the closest we have felt to home since leaving. We were almost a little sad to leave, but at least we now have a fully stocked fridge.

All week every week we look forward to our day off and on Thursday it finally came! After much planning on Thursday morning we headed to Tybee Island. As we pulled into Tybee we were amazed as we looked at all the cute little beach houses! All of them were decorated and painted in the brightest colors. It was then that we decided that one day when we are making our millions we will own of the cutest beach houses Tybee has ever seen. The beach was gorgeous, but different than any of the other beaches we have been to before. There were a few shops and houses lining the beach, but other than that it was just the beach and a rather plain dock. It was almost better this way though. Instead of going to the beach and having so much around us we were able to go the beach and just simply enjoy the little things.

We layed out the majority of the time and as we did this we started to make friends with the guys laying next to us. They had lucious hair so we didn't even mind at all. However we found their conversation a little funny. For about a half hour they deeply discussed the number of children they wanted as they grew older. We weren't sure if this was normal for guys to talk about or if it was because they were drunk. Either was it made our day just that much more enjoyable! Needless to say we love Tybee Island and can't wait to go next week.

Friday was a rather uneventful night so we will skip right into Saturday. Our lovely co-worker Alex let us off an hour early so we thought that this would be the perfect time for us to cross the river and go see the Westin. The Westin is a gorgeous resort hotel whose swimming pool is right along the river. We loved relaxing and having story time. After we went swimming we sat by the fire they have and enjoyed the beautiful view of the river.
(The fire and the river behind it)

Yesterday we went to Church. We were excited to be there, but unfortunately after being in sacrament for five minutes we had a upsetting run in with the missionaries. We decided to leave the story off of our blog, but long story short we ended up in the Bishop's office and now we both get to speak in sacrament next Sunday. Don't worry we are really excited.

This week has been a good one! We continue to love Savannah and can't wait for another amazing week!

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