Jun 14, 2011

Our Claim to Fame

On Saturday when we were supposed to be working we went on a walk. While on this walk a lady shouted at us and asked if we wanted to be in a video that they were making for the tourist website. We realized this as an oppurtunity for fame and gladly excepted. Our new acting career began as we danced in a congo line with other tourist and characters dressed in olden attire (don't worry.. we were wearing matching red Del Sol polos and kind of hard to miss). The coolest character that was dressed up was a man completely covered in gold paint. I guess he was depicting the Oglethorpe Statue. The next scene we were in was at the front of the Old Savannah Queen Steam Boat. We were on the third level and told that this was a dance scene. We were standing in the front when the director of the commerical started shouting at Oglethorpe about the girls in red. We obviously new that they were refering to us and at first we thought he was telling us to move. This was quite disapointing and we were very apalled. As he kept shouting we soon found out that he wanted Oglethorpe to stand right in the middle of us. So basically instead of being moved to the back we were front and center. Next time someone asks us what we are doing in Savannah we plan on telling them that we are acting.

(They are blury, but these our pictures from the commercial with Oglethorpe)

After work that day we went on a dolphin tour. They offer them downtown and since we work on River Street we got to go for free. It was really cool and fun. The boat ride was relaxing and the breeze felt good. While on the tour we saw about ten dolphins. It was really cool. Our tour guide was "Tour Guide Mike" .We enjoyed his stories and all the facts he told us. While on the tour Becca talked to Tour Guide Mike (when he wasn't on the microphone) and Kenzie met a new friend named Tom from Florida. They were way fun to talk to and invited us to go to a piano bar that night. As the night went on we ended up having other plans so we didn't get to go, but it was good to meet some new friends.  One of the particular facts Tour Guide Mike said was that along the river there is a chemical plant which produces the stuff you find in the center of Oreos. He told us next time we eat an Oreo that we will now think of him. After the tour we were supposed to pay a tip, but of course neither of us had any cash. We went back to our apartment and grabbed the last two Oreos in our pantry and brought them back to Tour Guide Mike. We told him we were sorry that we didn't have any cash, but now when he has an Oreo he will think of us too. Tour Guide Mike says it's the best tip he has ever gotten. The next day we saw Tour Guide Mike and he informed us that he has already told the story of the two blondes who tipped him with Oreos.

(That would be a dolphin fin)
The next day was Sunday and this meant that we got to give our awesome talks. We both felt really good about our talks, and we had tons and tons people tell us good job. This made us feel really good because they don't even know who we are. After church we got to spend some quality time with our roommates and visited "The Waving Lady".

The Waving Lady

"As the story goes, life at the remote cottage was lonely for Florence whose closest companion was her devoted collie. At an early age, she developed a close affinity with the passing ships and welcomed each one with a wave of her handkerchief. Sailors began returning her greeting by waving back or with a blast of the ship's horn. Eventually Florence started greeting the ships arriving in the dark by waving a lantern. She did this for 44 years."

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