Jul 13, 2011

By far the SCARIEST night in Savannah!

So there are a million and one ghost stories about Savannah and we have heard them all (most more than once), these stories are hardly scary in the slightest but last night we experienced a nightmare in Savannah.
To start we need to explain some details.  We live on Factor's Walk which is right above the store.  It's not an apartment complex our door just opens up right on the street.  Tourist and creepy men walk by our place countless times in a day.  Our door is pad lock you type in the code and from the inside you can hear it beeping with each button that is pressed.  When you get the code wrong so many times it does this high pitched screeching noise informing you that you have exceeded your number of wrong tries.
Last night Kenzie and I had worked the morning shift so we were hanging out in our apartment just finishing up a project at the table.  The store closes at 9pm so when you are the two that close you don't get home til about 9:30.  Much to our surprise at 9 o'clock we heard someone typing in the code trying to get in.  After a few wrong attempts and the loud screeching the noises stopped.  We figured our roommates had a key and we didn't need to get up and let them in.  But no one ever came inside.  At 9:30 Lexi and Brightyn got home and when we asked them if they had tried to get in earlier at 9 they had no idea what we were talking about.
Hoping for the best, we decided that it must have been someone accidentally trying to get into the wrong apartment (there are 5 or 6 other apartments next door to us and they all look the same).  We had just gotten settled in bed around 11 when we once again heard someone trying to get in. This time they did not give up after just a few tries.  They kept attempting to enter and getting the code wrong more times than we could count.  Lexi and Brightyn rushed into our bedroom to make sure it wasn't us trying to get in.  We were all panicked and in hushed whispers telling the other person to go look in the peep hole and see who it was.  Keep in mind we have a mail slot on our door that you can open up from the outside so we have always been a little nervous to look through the peep hole when the person outside could be looking in as well.  Being 4 girls we were not very quiet in our whispers and panic and our attempted intruder heard our voices and finally gave up.  If someone had been watching our apartment for even a day it would be clear that only 4 girls lived there and were an easy target for an attack.  They clearly knew that we were home and weren't really worried about the fact.
So we called our boss and he demanded that we hang up and call 911 immediately.  Becca called 911 and when the lady calmly answered the phone: "911 what's your emergency?"  Becca responded: "uhh hi.. I think someone is trying to break into my apartment.... is this the right number to call?" Kenzie couldn't control her laughter as Becca continued to explain to the lady what had happened.  She told us the cops were on there way and to hang tight.
Instead of coming to the door and saying "this is the police" They came and just pounded on the door!  Needless to say it freaked us all out.  Lexi screamed and Kenzie toppled over her trying to run away and oreos went flying EVERYWHERE.  Hearing our screams the police finally shouted who they were and we let them inside.
They asked us a million questions an examined the lock on our door.  Turns out its hanging on by a thread and is in need of some serious repair.  We also need a chain lock for safety.  As you can imagine we felt real safe hearing them say this as they left.  There was no way we could sleep in our apartment that night so the 4 of us piled our blankets and pillow on our backs and ran downstairs to the store.  We ended up sleeping on the rock hard floor of Del Sol Savannah.  It was one memorable terrifying night we will never forget (especially because our backs will now be sore for weeks).  And don't worry when we came home in the morning our apartment was safe and sound.  Thank goodness our prayers were answered.  Hopefully tonight we can sleep soundly in our beds and not have to endure the hardwood floor of the store!
don't really know why sleeping in a place with glass doors on River Street made us feel more safe...
Sleeping like a rock.. on the rock hard floor.  Pretty sure dirt would have had more padding.

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