Jul 18, 2011

So you think we're kidding...

Our weekend  turned out to be a lot more epic [and terrifying!] then we had planned on.  It all started with a nice relaxing day of ridiculously long movie marathons which included: The Roommate [not that scary...just creepy], Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 [which we might add was EXTREMLY long], and last but certainly not least, Lincoln Lawyer [absolutely amazing turns out Mathew McConaughey can play a serious role quite well, although we did miss his 'player womanizing' role just a tad].  We had all the essential favorite foods: pasta and toast for dinner, powerade, kettle corn, peaches'n cream, and cookie dough.  Don't worry we did not eat it all in one sitting, and ironicly enough its basically the only food we have left to our name.  A trip to Walmart is definirtely in order but we couldn't break the sabbath so we have been living off of cereal, a little cheese, and bagel thins for the past day and a half. Talk about dedication.. and procrastination at its finest. 

Sunday we went to church and had a great time as roommates.  That evening we had the missionaries and our friend Ryan, an investigator over to watch the movie "The Testament" at first we were all very confused but it turned out to be an amazing movie telling the story of 3 Nephi 11. If you haven't seen it you need to fix that. Pronto! 

Here comes the Epic part of the story... We had taken a nice afternoon nap that kept Becca tossing and turning trying to fall asleep Sunday night.  We had gone to bed at 11 and Kenzie was out like a light when suddenly around 12:30 a.m. Becca heard someone trying to get into our apartment [No we aren't joking.  TWICE in ONE week!! Needless to say we sure feel safe here on River Street]. Becca shook Kenzie awake and we all ran to the door to actually take the Police mans advice and look out the peep hole.  There he was.  This old man, probably in his late 50's, hunched up against our door cursing up a storm frustrated that he couldn't get it open and highly, highly intoxicated.  Lexie quickly called 911 while Becca held the lock on the door just in case by some freak reason the man in his drunken state managed to get the right code. The Police took their sweet time getting there while the 4 of us paced back and forth praying he could not get in.  Its funnier now but it was probably the scariest thing any of us have ever been through.  When they finally arrived, yes the same cops as before [we are slightly worried that if it happens again they will just think we are ridiculous and the boy who cried wolf but what were we supposed to do?!] they checked to make sure we had our lock fixed and told us that the man was staying with our neighbor next door and hadn't managed to find his way home.  They also informed us that he had used our porch as his personal bathroom. Completley disgusting! Have you no shame drunken man?  Isn't showing up drunk at the wrong apartment and peeing on someone's porch a little too college frat party or high school for you [not that we support getting drunk at any age, we don't, but to be fair in Savannah everyone and their dog tends to get a little tipsy nightly].  Like come on seriously.  There comes a point where you just need to grow up and have a little self respect.  Learn when enough is enough!  4 cops had shown up, clearly it was a slow crime night in Savannah, 2 of them wanted to toss him into jail to teach him a lesson where as the other 2 just wanted to yell at him and leave but instead they just pestered and harassed him for awhile and then we're not really sure what happened but they all disappeared.  And once again the 4 of us lost sleep and were traumatized all because someone decided to have a little too much to drink!

Jul 15, 2011

Our blessed day off!

While in Savannah we look forward to our days off like a child looks forward to Christmas.  We work 5 days a week for 6 or 7 hours and get 2 days off.  One of the days is always Sunday, so we have the opportunity to go to church (which we love), and the other day is usually Thursday... our day to have fun!  We finally get to sleep in, or go to the beach, or just relax with absolutely NO DEL SOL!! We always have so much fun!  This week we decided instead of venturing off to Tybee Island or South Carolina that we would just hang out around Savannah.

First thing in the morning we crossed the river and went over to The Westin.  We LOVE the Westin.  It's Savannah's nicest resort hotel and golf course (if only Becca had her clubs!!).  The pool is amazing and the absolute perfect temperature.  The chairs to lay out on even more comfortable than the foam pad so called beds we are forced to sleep on.  Its such a nice break from what we're used to.  Our little oasis across the river.  To get across the river we get to take the free Savannah Belles Fairy, a great relaxing ride.
The Julietter Gordon Lowe Fairy

Heaven on earth!! We love it :)

Jul 13, 2011

By far the SCARIEST night in Savannah!

So there are a million and one ghost stories about Savannah and we have heard them all (most more than once), these stories are hardly scary in the slightest but last night we experienced a nightmare in Savannah.
To start we need to explain some details.  We live on Factor's Walk which is right above the store.  It's not an apartment complex our door just opens up right on the street.  Tourist and creepy men walk by our place countless times in a day.  Our door is pad lock you type in the code and from the inside you can hear it beeping with each button that is pressed.  When you get the code wrong so many times it does this high pitched screeching noise informing you that you have exceeded your number of wrong tries.
Last night Kenzie and I had worked the morning shift so we were hanging out in our apartment just finishing up a project at the table.  The store closes at 9pm so when you are the two that close you don't get home til about 9:30.  Much to our surprise at 9 o'clock we heard someone typing in the code trying to get in.  After a few wrong attempts and the loud screeching the noises stopped.  We figured our roommates had a key and we didn't need to get up and let them in.  But no one ever came inside.  At 9:30 Lexi and Brightyn got home and when we asked them if they had tried to get in earlier at 9 they had no idea what we were talking about.
Hoping for the best, we decided that it must have been someone accidentally trying to get into the wrong apartment (there are 5 or 6 other apartments next door to us and they all look the same).  We had just gotten settled in bed around 11 when we once again heard someone trying to get in. This time they did not give up after just a few tries.  They kept attempting to enter and getting the code wrong more times than we could count.  Lexi and Brightyn rushed into our bedroom to make sure it wasn't us trying to get in.  We were all panicked and in hushed whispers telling the other person to go look in the peep hole and see who it was.  Keep in mind we have a mail slot on our door that you can open up from the outside so we have always been a little nervous to look through the peep hole when the person outside could be looking in as well.  Being 4 girls we were not very quiet in our whispers and panic and our attempted intruder heard our voices and finally gave up.  If someone had been watching our apartment for even a day it would be clear that only 4 girls lived there and were an easy target for an attack.  They clearly knew that we were home and weren't really worried about the fact.
So we called our boss and he demanded that we hang up and call 911 immediately.  Becca called 911 and when the lady calmly answered the phone: "911 what's your emergency?"  Becca responded: "uhh hi.. I think someone is trying to break into my apartment.... is this the right number to call?" Kenzie couldn't control her laughter as Becca continued to explain to the lady what had happened.  She told us the cops were on there way and to hang tight.
Instead of coming to the door and saying "this is the police" They came and just pounded on the door!  Needless to say it freaked us all out.  Lexi screamed and Kenzie toppled over her trying to run away and oreos went flying EVERYWHERE.  Hearing our screams the police finally shouted who they were and we let them inside.
They asked us a million questions an examined the lock on our door.  Turns out its hanging on by a thread and is in need of some serious repair.  We also need a chain lock for safety.  As you can imagine we felt real safe hearing them say this as they left.  There was no way we could sleep in our apartment that night so the 4 of us piled our blankets and pillow on our backs and ran downstairs to the store.  We ended up sleeping on the rock hard floor of Del Sol Savannah.  It was one memorable terrifying night we will never forget (especially because our backs will now be sore for weeks).  And don't worry when we came home in the morning our apartment was safe and sound.  Thank goodness our prayers were answered.  Hopefully tonight we can sleep soundly in our beds and not have to endure the hardwood floor of the store!
don't really know why sleeping in a place with glass doors on River Street made us feel more safe...
Sleeping like a rock.. on the rock hard floor.  Pretty sure dirt would have had more padding.

Jul 12, 2011

Month 2 in Savannah

Sorry it's been so long!  Finally time for an update after way to many weeks of procrastinating (so sorry we're back for good this time)!
Lots has happened since our last update.  For starters we had 4 of our favorite people come to visit us: Becca's mom, her sister-in-law Ashley, Kenzie's mom and Kenzie's moms best friend Janeen!  They came at different times for a week straight which made for one of our funniest weeks in Savannah.
Becca's mom came here first.  We guided them all across Savannah showing them our favorite places.  We went on a ghost tour together (before you get too excited it wasn't actually scary, more telling stories of people in Savannah's past).
Waving Lady :)
Our favorite part was probably eating at Mrs. Wilk's boarding house, aka the BEST FOOD EVER!  Here's how it works: the place is only open M-F from 11am-2pm.  People start lining up at the door at 10 and by 10:30 the line wraps around the entire street.  It's nuts!  They seat you 10 to a table, so usually with a couple groups of people you don't know.  They have all this food ready for you family style.  Every classic southern food you could imagine cooked to perfection: fried chicken, mac&cheese (considered an essential vegetable), beef stew, mashed potatoes, green beans etc etc!  To top it all off they also provide dessert, banana pudding or peach cobbler.  It is definitely worth the wait even if you end up waiting in line until 1pm!  Seeing Becca's mom made us feel like we were at home again it was wonderful!

Beccca's mom left wednesday morning and wednesday night Kenzie's mom & Janeen arrived!  We were walking down Bay Street to meet them at their hotel (one thing to keep in mind about Savannah: on a daily basis while walking down the street we get honked at, shouted at, or anything you could really think of all within a matter of minutes) when a black SUV started whistling and shouting at us from up the street.  Becca shouted back warning these female voices that they probably shouldn't be acting drunk because there was a large cluster of cops up the road ready to pull them over.  Kenzie commented that it was the first time while in Savannah that we had been harassed by females.  Much to our surprise we then heard the female voices shout: "Hello? It's your mother!" We all cracked up laughing and met down the street.  It was by far the funniest reunion possible!
While Kenzie's mom and Janeen were here we had quite the adventures!  We did our fair share of shopping for starters (in other words we did WAY too much shopping and had WAY too much fun but we all came out on top with the worlds cutest clothes and jewelry).  We celebrated Kenzie's birthday (July 1st) with Mrs. Wilk's boarding house, fantastic pedicures & manicures, more shopping and fun movies.  We went on the most beautiful drive to Hilton Head, South Carolina.  Hilton Head is a beach about 40 minutes from our apartment, although with the July 4th traffic it seemed like an eternity.  We hung out at the beach catching live star fish and sand dollars.  The water was the perfect temperature and to top it off we had the best pizza of our lives, chicken ceaser salad pizza from flat bread.  There is something about the food in South Carolina and Savannah.  Its just plain amazing!
Mrs. Wilk's mouthwatering food!
the girls!
One funny story from their visit.  We stayed in their hotel room with them and the last night that they were here we were all watching Water for Elephants in our room (which by the way is a great movie and we highly, highly recommend it). We started watching it pretty late so Kenzie and I fell asleep shortly after it started.  At 1:30 in the morning we were startled awake by the loudest most wretched noise possible.  The fire alarm was going off!  We were all extremely confused.  We rushed outside with a sea of confused people.  From the curb we could see some people looking out their windows confused as if they weren't aware that the loud noises meant evacuate the building.  Turns out there was just a loose valve on the 6th floor.  Nothing too exciting despite all of the action.
Goodbyes were hard but it was worth it since we got to see our families.  It was weird having them here it felt like we were on vacation instead of living here for the summer.  We didn't have to work much while our visitors were here which made going back to work even harder but we've finally gotten back into our old routine and are ready to enjoy our last month in Savannah!
P.S. We decided to make some crafts while in Savannah that we will put in our apartments in the fall since we will no longer be roommates (so so so so sad!!) Here's a sneak peak at our first project, keep in mind we have had a joke for years of calling each other Marco&Polo.
Love it!