May 24, 2011

Savannah Day 2

Today was our first day of work. We got to go in at 9:45 to help open the store. It was really cool to see how they do it. Then we met Scott. Scott is our store manager. He loved telling us all about how he is a retail champion. Scotts past employer was Walmart and he was really excited to move to Del Sol. We love Scott. His stories are the best. Our favorite story is when he told us about why he calls himself "the kid." So basically he must be an amazing baseball player because all his life he was the youngest one on the team. That would lead to all the coaches calling him "kid." Now whenever you hear him talking to himself about himself he will say, "The kid..." It is quite entertaining. We really hope he likes us as much as we like him.

The most upsetting thing about today was that our internet got shot off. We were quite upset and got a glimpse of what of the pilgrims went through. Luckily though we called our neigbor and were able to connect to their internet. You never realize how valuable things are until you are forced to live without them (such as a car, a washer and dryer, high speed internet, and men in your ward).

After work we were able to go to a Sand Gnats baseball game with our ward. It was really fun, but one of the few things we learned today was that minor league baseball is just as boring here as it is in Utah. There were five girls from our ward, our two roommates, and one boy. The second thing we learned today is that we can no longer go to events purely for the fact that men will be there. Kenzie was able to get a blue snow cone and Becca was very upset they wouldn't put ice cream in a cup for her. So please don't mind Kenzie's blue lips in all the pictures.

We ended the day with story time on our balcony. I know we have said this before, but the river is amazing!! We love to sit out there at night because it is one of the few times you go outside and don't get a thin layer of sweat lining your entire body.

Today was full of baseball and as "the kid" says, "Mosquitoes the size of Taradactiles."

P.S. Mosquito bites really stink

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