May 26, 2011

Savannah Day 3 & 4

Day 3

For starters yesterday we finally made it to Krogers again. This time we went with our roommates. We told them it wasn't a race....
But they insisted...
And they kept getting farther and farther ahead of us. Little did they know that slow and steady wins the race. The good news is that we now have bread and bad news is that we are now out of chips and milk and need to already go again.

Even though the grocery store was a nice little trip, the highlight of the day is when we were closing up the store. "The kid" called us to see what are closing numbers were. Kenzie answered and told him. He was very pleased and because of that he texted Becca and said, "In case Big Mac didn't tell you, great job today." All Becca text back was, "If she is Big Mac, I am Small Fry." We really like the new nicknames he gave us.

Day 4

Today was our blessed day off. We have been looking forward to this all week long and new exactly what we were going to do. The plan consisted of laying out, getting sun, and laying out. We sat by the pool from 12-3. As we layed there we met the cutest little girl ever. Her name was Lauren and she insisted on doing everything that we did. She would go down the row of the three of us (Kenzie, Becca, and Lexi) asking questions and listening to our ipods.

After the pool we were hoping for a nice glowing tan, but instead we got something that resembled a bright red tomato. This meant going home, taking painful showers, and getting ready for the night. Which happened to include walking to all of the candy shops on River Street and getting free samples. As we did this we marveled at the gorgeous yachts that are docked along the river.

Once we got done wandering River Street, we were talking to our next door neighbors in retail and the nice man offered to take us on a ghost tour. We guess he owns a bunch of tourist shops downtown and one of which offers a walking ghost tour. So on the spur of the moment we got to go see all the haunted places in Savannah.

We ended the night with a quick photo op.

May 24, 2011

Savannah Day 3

Today at work was "the kids" birthday...

the candy store!

Mom Kenzie is talking to you!!! :)

Living life on the wild side.

Yeah.. we match.

... 'Nuff said.

Savannah Day 2

Today was our first day of work. We got to go in at 9:45 to help open the store. It was really cool to see how they do it. Then we met Scott. Scott is our store manager. He loved telling us all about how he is a retail champion. Scotts past employer was Walmart and he was really excited to move to Del Sol. We love Scott. His stories are the best. Our favorite story is when he told us about why he calls himself "the kid." So basically he must be an amazing baseball player because all his life he was the youngest one on the team. That would lead to all the coaches calling him "kid." Now whenever you hear him talking to himself about himself he will say, "The kid..." It is quite entertaining. We really hope he likes us as much as we like him.

The most upsetting thing about today was that our internet got shot off. We were quite upset and got a glimpse of what of the pilgrims went through. Luckily though we called our neigbor and were able to connect to their internet. You never realize how valuable things are until you are forced to live without them (such as a car, a washer and dryer, high speed internet, and men in your ward).

After work we were able to go to a Sand Gnats baseball game with our ward. It was really fun, but one of the few things we learned today was that minor league baseball is just as boring here as it is in Utah. There were five girls from our ward, our two roommates, and one boy. The second thing we learned today is that we can no longer go to events purely for the fact that men will be there. Kenzie was able to get a blue snow cone and Becca was very upset they wouldn't put ice cream in a cup for her. So please don't mind Kenzie's blue lips in all the pictures.

We ended the day with story time on our balcony. I know we have said this before, but the river is amazing!! We love to sit out there at night because it is one of the few times you go outside and don't get a thin layer of sweat lining your entire body.

Today was full of baseball and as "the kid" says, "Mosquitoes the size of Taradactiles."

P.S. Mosquito bites really stink

May 22, 2011

Savannah Day 1

Today was our day to go exploring.  We decided we should probably get some groceries seeing as how our cupboards and pantry were rather bare.  But first things first, we chose to explore River Street.  95 degrees + humidity = really really HOT!

It was amazing.  The river is gorgeous and the cargo ships are huge!  They look like floating buildings they're so big.  We lost track of time amongst all the artwork, tourist, and trying to find best friend bracelets.  We found ourselves starving with no where to go so we went to the same place we did our first night, One Eyed Lizzie's.  The name may sound sketchy but it is by far the best mexican food you will ever taste.  We both got the chicken cordon bleu chimichanga and came to a realization: southern food is the greatest and EVERYTHING is better fried!

(Our amazing FRIED chimichanga)

(Our new best friend bracelets)
(Our picture in the cemetary in front of the sarcophagus)

After 2 hours of exploring we decided that it was time to stop procrastinating and finally drag ourselves to the grocery store.  With no car or any form of transportation this is quite the endeavor.  We walked the 1.94 miles there and then 1.94 miles back.  Backpacks and hands full of groceries.  It is a lot harder than it sounds.  We never knew that a jug of milk could weigh so much.  Milk, cheese, chicken, bread this list goes on and on but we got the essentials.  It was a learning experience and what did we learn? That:

1) having to walk to a grocery store 1.94 miles away, may in fact be the best diet ever.
2) we are officially on a diet.. only going to the grocery store when the hunger pains hurt worse than the blisters on our feet.

(We got to carry all of that 1.94 miles home)
Moral of the story we now have a half stocked fridge and blisters on the bottom of our feet. 

May 21, 2011

Arriving in Georgia!

Our adventure to Georgia started at the crack of dawn today.  We boarded a teeny little plane at 8:30 this morning.  As the day went on we realized that each airplane and each airport carried their own story.

Airplane #1 SLC --> DEN: This is when we met Javier.  He was our flight attendant and was just great. Javier took it upon himself to tell us all about the flight attendant industry. He kept telling the both of us that we have the "international look" and that we need to apply. So we have now decided that after we are done with Del Sol we are going to head over and be twinner flight attendants.

Airpot #1 Denver, Colorado: Even though this layover happened to be 3 hours we decided to make the best of it. It started with hunting for bathrooms, moving to laying on the floor, and then searching for what ended up being one crappy lunch.  The highlight was definitely laying on the floor. We were completely aware that it was probably disgusting and full of bacteria, but we were just so tired we didn't have it in us to care.It also wasn't just laying on the floor, but the fact that everyone stared at us as we layed there. Even better we would look at the people walking by and try to figure out what their life story was. This was probably the best layover ever.

We make the best out of every moment.

Airplane #2 DEN --> ATL: The goal for this plane ride was to try and switch our tickets so that we could sit by each other. In the airport we had met two other boys that were trying to do the same. We decided that the four of us would team up togther and make it happen. Once on the plane Becca approached a man about switching seats and had an awesome conversation that went a little like this.
                    Becca: Are you a single?
                    Man: Uhhh what?
                    Becca: I mean not like are you single, but are you with anyone on the plane?
                    Man: (Gives a very confused look)
                    Becca: Like can I switch seats with you because we want to sit togther?
                    Man: Ohhh, I am sitting over there. (As man points in complete oppisite corner.)
Luckily even though Becca's converstion didn't go as planned, the boys we teamed up with got on the plane and helped us so we got to sit next to each other. The rest of the plane ride was full of watching One Tree Hill and sleeping.

Airport #2 Atlanta, Georgia:This wasn't as epic as the first layover because it wasn't as long. It pretty much consisted of walking to three different restraunts and then realizing that we weren't really hungry.

Airplane #3 ATL--> SAV: Kenzie has to say that this was her favorite plane ride. It was pretty much the best thing that ever happened. The plane ride started with waiting in line to take off. This took forever and made it so we landed late in Savannah. Even though that was a bummer, we didn't let it kill our fun. We spent the entire 37 minute plane ride dancing to N'SYNC. Yes.. dancing. We danced on the plane and those around us found us very amussing. The flight attendant walked buy, gave us a smile, and then when we got off the plane he told us that he enjoyed watching us jam out. Not only did he comment, but the man in front of him told us that it looked like we were having lots of fun. You should be sad that you missed it.

Airport #3 Savannah, Georgia: Finally here!! The second you got off the plane you hit a wall of humidity and could tell a difference. The most exciting part of this airport was our Taxi driver, Vince. He was the greatest and took awesome care of us. The wonderful man took all of our luggage to the car and then into our apartment. On top of all of that he gave us all sorts of advice on Savannah.

The 2 things Vince made us promise:
1. That we would never ever ever leave each other.
2. That if we ever get into trouble to call our friend Vince!

Apartment: Last step of the day was getting into our apartment and all unpacked. This took quite awhile seeing as we both brought so much stuff. The best part about are apartment is the bunk beds. They are really great because there is only one bed on top and under there is room for a dresser and all sorts of stuff. As we were putting the sheets on the bed, we found a nice suprise. The bunk beds are very shaky. With the slighest movement the entire bed will squeak and move to the side. Even though that fact alone is great, Kenzie made an awesome comment we thought we'd share.

"Everyone said that I would learn a lot about myself by coming to Georgia and so far I have learned that I am a eighteen year old that is deathly afraid of bunkbeds."

After a long day of traveling, we are now sitting our balcony. It is absolutely beautiful out here and we have an amazing view of the river.We are excited to be here and can't wait to go exploring tomorrow.